
Utilities for setting the maximum height of an element

Class reference

.max-h-fullmax-height: 100%;
.max-h-screenmax-height: 100vh;


Set the maximum height of an element using the max-h-full or max-h-screen utilities.

<div class="h-24 ...">
  <div class="h-48 max-h-full ...">


To control the max-height of an element at a specific breakpoint, add a {screen}: prefix to any existing max-height utility.

For more information about Tailwind's responsive design features, check out the Responsive Design documentation.

<div class="h-24 ...">
  <div class="h-48 max-h-full sm:max-h-screen md:max-h-full lg:max-h-screen xl:max-h-full ...">


Max-height scale

Customize Tailwind's default max-height scale in the theme.maxHeight section of your tailwind.config.js file.

  // tailwind.config.js
  module.exports = {
    theme: {
      maxHeight: {
+       '0': '0',
+       '1/4': '25%',
+       '1/2': '50%',
+       '3/4': '75%',
+       'full': '100%',

Learn more about customizing the default theme in the theme customization documentation.

Responsive and pseudo-class variants

By default, only responsive variants are generated for max-height utilities.

You can control which variants are generated for the max-height utilities by modifying the maxHeight property in the variants section of your tailwind.config.js file.

For example, this config will also generate hover and focus variants:

  // tailwind.config.js
  module.exports = {
    variants: {
      // ...
-     maxHeight: ['responsive'],
+     maxHeight: ['responsive', 'hover', 'focus'],


If you don't plan to use the max-height utilities in your project, you can disable them entirely by setting the maxHeight property to false in the corePlugins section of your config file:

  // tailwind.config.js
  module.exports = {
    corePlugins: {
      // ...
+     maxHeight: false,

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